
Contract Number:2011.17761.901.01
Contract Title:Concrete Footpath Repairs and Associated Works Inner North
Brief Description of Contract:Concrete Footpath Repairs and Associated Works Inner North
Panel Contract:No
Panel Contract Number:
Panel Total Amount:  (This is an estimated value of all contracts forming part of this panel, not of this contract alone).
Whole of Govt Contract:No
Tender Number:
Procurement Methodology:Select
Social Procurement:0002
Procurement Type:Works
Exemption from Quotation and
Tender Threshold requirements:
Reason for Exemption:
Contractor Name:Henness Concreting Contractors
ABN:56 390 138 218
Contract Amount:125,898.30  (Total value of this particular contract only).
Execution Date:29/09/2011 (Contract Execution date may differ from contract commencement date).
Expiry Date:11/11/2011
Confidential Text:No
To obtain a hard copy of the public text of the contract please contract this Directorate / Agency: Territory and Municipal Services Directorate
Directorate / Public Authority / Territory Owned Corporation:Territory and Municipal Services Directorate
Department / Agency Name:
Prior to 23 May 2011
Territory and Municipal Services
UNSPSC Classification:Building & Construction & Maintenance Services (UNSPSC: 72000000)


30 Sep 2011 - Short_Form_-_2011.17761.901.01.pdf